

This example displays Jetpack plugin’s Testimonials custom post type.
We are using testimonials shortcode on this page.
Also, this is an example of “No intro” page template.

We have the best customers!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum in mauris eleifend, egestas lectus et, vulputate orci. Integer in leo eget justo hendrerit consequat. Donec varius est eu neque ultrices consectetur.

Waves illustration
[testimonials columns=2 showposts=6 display_content=full]

This page displays Jetpack plugin’s Testimonials custom post type using a shortcode above.

Waves illustration

Want to add your own testimony?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum in mauris eleifend, egestas lectus et, vulputate orci. Integer in leo eget justo hendrerit consequat. Donec varius est eu neque ultrices consectetur.

This is only a dummy form placeholder. It does not work. Use a plugin to create forms for your website, such as Caldera Forms plugin or Contact Form 7 plugin.